Monday, April 6, 2009


Have you ever wondered just why we have emotions? Our emotions are like our operating system; imagine your computer without having windows installed on it! Without operating system our computers are nothing more than a piece of junk.
It’s only because of emotions we tell the world who we are, emotions are the medium through which we engage our outer world; our words are nothing but a medium to convey our emotions.
As leader it’s important to gain a deeper appreciation of human emotions, otherwise we become mere scare crows! There is no doubt that, Scare crows work as a deterrent and prevent people from doing anything wrong, but at the same time they crush creativity and people’s ability to innovate by stigmatizing mistakes. They forget that unless people are ready to take risk and make mistakes they can never come up with anything original.
It is no mystery that we learn best when we are motivated to learn, indeed learning and emotions are inseparable. It has been demonstrated that high levels of positive emotion place us in the best position tolearn and it should be every manager’s responsibility to inspire people into learning and creativity.
Manager’s contribution to organization’s leadership pool should be given the same importance as their contribution to company’s economic growth.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

INTUITION- Knowing beyond logic

All people have a natural capacity for intuition, but many times social conditioning and formal education works against it. People are taught to ignore their instincts rather than to understand and use them as a foundation for individual growth and development, and in the process they undermine the very roots of the innate wisdom that is meant to flower into intuition.

Cleverness and Intelligence

“Cleverness is always a barrier. And it is not intelligence it is a false substitute. An intelligent person is innocent. You can cheat an intelligent person very easily, but you cannot cheat a clever person because the clever person himself is a cheat. So never think that cleverness is of any value; it is based on fear. The logic behind cleverness is: if you don't cheat others, others will cheat you. So remain clever and always protect yourself, and before somebody attacks you, attack them, because attack is the best defense. This is the logic of cleverness: always pretend that you know, even when you don't.”

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Time Management

Time can not be managed....better you manage yourself..


Slip out of your knowledge and then life is full of surprises. Every moment you will come across so many wonderful things. A seed becoming a sprout, a bud opening in the morning, a flower releasing its fragrance is a miracle. What more miracles do you need? The whole existence is in a constant celebration.